A Word About Late Work

As of February 10, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

15 October. Active Reading "Kids Revel..."

  1. Turn in homework
  2. Journal
  3. Active Reading Article: "Kids Revel in Deep Questions Posed by Philosophy Institute"

Journal: What is one issue or subject you are passionate about? Explain in at least 4 sentences.

Turn in journals to the crate when finished. (If you do not have a composition book, do not turn in your entries. You must have a composition book by Monday. Affix all your entries inside the book and bring it to me by the end of the day.)

Active Reading "Kids Revel in Deep Questions Posed by Philosophy Institute" (This article can be found here: http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2002/july24/philosophy-724.html

Before reading: make a list of stereotypes that you associate with “philosophy” or “philosophers”?

Vocabulary (make connections with the words by answer the questions)

  • institute – n. an association organized to promote art, science, or education
    ¨For example: MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • purview – n. range of interest or activity
    ¨What is the purview of you and your friends?
  • hypocrisy – n. what is your own definition of hypocrisy? insincerity by pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have
  • ethics – n. a system of moral principles; rules of conduct
  • articulate – v. express or explain clearly and effectively
  • relative – adj. existing or having its specific nature only by relation to something else; not absolute or independent. Give an example of something being relative.

Students read the article aloud then were given the rest of the class period (about 40 minutes) to answer the handout questions at their tables. Questions were due at the end of class, no exception.

No homework.

Next class, students will watch Shrek, analyzing its heroic quest stages. They will then write an analysis essay which will be due October 23.

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