- Journal: "Book Memories" Write about memories you have of books and reading. Consider: Do you remember learning how to read? Do you remember the person who taught you to read? What books did you like as a child?
- Propaganda Advertisement Project assigned. Due December 18
- Notes (handout)
- "fahrenheit 451" is the temperature at which books burn.
- Salamander: mythological reptile, resembling a lizard, that was said to live in fire. It endures the flames without burning. Symbol of survival and unconquerability.
- Phoenix: in Egyptian mythology, a lone bird that lives in the Arabian desert for 500 or 600 years and then sets itself on fire, rising renewed from the ashes to start another long life; a symbol of immortality
- Hearth: fireplace, a symbol of the home
4. We listened to the audio version of the book to "You don't look so hot yourself" on page 19. Students should answer questions on the back of the notes handout as they read. (For students using the audiobook, we have read through track 10, part 1.)
6. "Get into My Head" handout - Fill in Guy's and Clarisse's head with their thoughts and feelings. Continue this throughout the book.
7. Homework: complete a vocabulary activity of your choice for the remaining 5 words from the reading assignment #1 vocabulary. Due beginning of class on Friday (turn these words in with Monday's vocabulary homework.)
Students had about 10 minutes in class to work on vocabulary homework, answer Fahrenheit 451 questions, and brainstorm for their propaganda advertisement project.
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