A Word About Late Work

As of February 10, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10 February: Middle Ages, Courtly Love

Today, students will:

  1. Write an MLA works cited entry for your book.
  2. Present your book project
  3. Figure out what you know about the Middle Ages and make a list of questions you want to know.
  4. Look through various books for facts about the Middle Ages. Then form groups, sharing information, and compiling this information onto a poster.
  5. Take a few notes on courtly love. Get an idea of what courtly love is.
  6. Read statements from "The Art of Courtly Love" determining which they agree &/or disagree with and why. Write paragraphs about 2 (homework).

Works Cited entry for a book includes the following: Author’s last name, author’s first name. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.

When typed, it should look like this:

Students presented Outside Reading projects and turn them in.

The Middle Ages. We began this unit today. Students were given a packet they will work on during the next few weeks.
  1. On the back of the packet cover, students make a "KWL" chart. In the "K" column, they wrote what they already know about the Middle Ages and Literature of the Middle Ages. In the "W" column, they make a list of questions they want to know about the Middle Ages and Literature of the Middle Ages. They will fill out the "L" column when we finish the unit.
  2. Look through books provided on tables for facts about the Middle Ages. Get in groups, share information, present on a poster. Groups were to assign roles: director, writer, artist, presenter. Students compiled information on a poster. Posters were to include words, images, and colors. Students will have 5 minutes in class on Thursday to finish up and present their posters.

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