A Word About Late Work

As of February 10, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 22: Paper Due, Presentations, Introducing Shakespeare

Students turned in:
  • Folders (3-prong, NOT binders), these included the revised and edited rough drafts
  • Note cards to clear box

Students were given the opportunity to proofread their final drafts one last time. They should have made minor corrections with a pencil or black pen. Final drafts were then turned in.

Friday, May 1 is the last day Mrs. Woodliff will accept final drafts, rough drafts, folders, and note cards!

Students gave presentations. Presentations took longer than expected due to the lack of presentations submitted to the "Turn in Work Here" folder. Those who had their presentations on a flashdrive were able to give their presentation. Those who did not MUST turn in a copy of the presentation in class on Friday. AND they must save their presentation to the 6th period folder in the "Turn in Work Here" folder. Make-up presentations will be given at a later date (to be announced).


  1. Students worked in pairs to find 20 facts on the Shakespeare Mind Map (click to view)
  2. Scavenger Hunt: Group Project. Students were given a handout with 44 words all related somehow to The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. They should divide up the words in their groups, find images/words/phrases that relate to the words, or they can draw their own. Bring these images/words to class on Tuesday, April 28. Extra credit for those who bring glue sticks! They will then start working together to create a collage of the images.
  3. Julius Caesar Pre-Reading Vocabulary: Students were given a handout with pre-reading, Act I, and Act II vocabulary. They should use dictionary.com to define the pre-reading words.

HOMEWORK: Define 8 pre-reading vocabulary words.

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